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Business ResourcesPrograms, Incentives & Grants

Revitalization Tax Exemption

A Revitalization Tax Exemption (RTE) program is a tool that local governments may use to achieve a range of environmental, economic or social objectives. RTE programs aim to encourage revitalization by offering incentives for certain types of developments in specific areas. By putting in place this bylaw, the District of Vanderhoof wants to encourage new development and improvements to existing buildings within the municipal boundaries of the District. The program offers municipal tax exemptions for 5 years for permanent new construction or renovations to commercial or residential buildings. Please note the exemption rate varies each year, and eligibility requirements must be met.

Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw
Revitalization Tax Exemption Application Form
Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw Frequently Asked Questions

Love Vanderhoof

Love Vanderhoof is a part of the shop local initiative, Love Northern BC which is funded through the Northern Development Initiative Trust. For the low fee of $100, local businesses can get a dedicated webpage for their business, including professional photography and write-ups. Check the website for more information or to sign up.

Love Vanderhoof

Business Facade Improvement Program

Do you own a business in Vanderhoof that needs a facelift? The BFI program provides 50% funding up to $5,000 that can help you update the look and feel of your storefront. Eligible upgrades include lighting, windows, painting/siding, signage, accessibility improvements, and more. Projects must have a minimum total cost of $2,000 to be eligible. Download the program guidelines and application below.

DEADLINE for applications: May 31

Grants are distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis. Applications may be considered after the May 31 deadline if funds remain.

The Business Facade Improvement Program is funded by Northern Development Initiative Trust and administered through the District of Vanderhoof. For more information on the program, please contact info@district.vanderhoof.ca

Application Form

Northern Housing Incentive Program

The District of Vanderhoof is working on an application to Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Northern Housing Incentive Program. If successful, this program will be funded by NDIT and administered by the District of Vanderhoof to provide up to $200,000 to developers to build housing in Vanderhoof.

Visit NDIT’s website for more information

We are not yet accepting applications for this program. If you are a developer looking to build housing in Vanderhoof, please contact the Building Inspector at the District of Vanderhoof.

Housing Needs in Vanderhoof

The District of Vanderhoof conducted a Housing Needs Assessment in June of 2015. You can find the full report below:

2020 Housing Needs Assessment

Northwest BC Resource Benefit Alliance

The Northwest BC Resource Benefit Alliance (RBA) is an association of all 21 local governments across the Northwest, from Masset to Vanderhoof. Formed in 2014, the sought to ensure that revenue generated in the northwest remains in our region. On July 12, 2024, it was announced that the Province of BC would agree to the funding agreement, budgeting $250 million to be distributed to the member communities over a five-year period.

Please visit the Resource Benefit Alliance website for more information.

Northwest BC Resource Benefit Alliance

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