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October 22, 2019Citizen Budget Closes November 8

Citizen Budget

Closes November 8, 2019

The District of Vanderhoof invites you to have your say on the 2020 budget through the new CITIZEN BUDGET tool. This interactive, online tool helps us understand your priorities, and gives you an opportunity to provide feedback on various civic services.

The CITIZEN BUDGET is easy to use! Just enter your property assessment, and the tool will tell you how much of your taxes go towards Public Works, Parks, Cultural Services, Fire, and more. Simply drag the slider to reduce or increase the amount you would like to spend on each service, and the balance at the top of the page will show you how your taxes are affected. Please note this is a decision-making tool only, and any changes you make will not be reflected on your actual tax bill.

The results of the CITIZEN BUDGET will be reviewed by Council and used as an information tool in the decision-making process for the 2020 budget and the 5-year financial plan.

Thank you for your participation!

Citizen Budget

For more information, contact the Finance Department at cfo@district.vanderhoof.ca or call 250 567 4711

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