Watch the April 11th, 2022, Regular Council Meeting
Council Meeting Video
Lyle Larson – Flood Mitigation
Mr. Larson presented to Council regarding flood and erosion mitigation, focusing on major flooding events over the course of 69 years, recommendations for flood mitigation, impending changes to legislation, and options for the District of Vanderhoof in regards to how flood mitigation could be handled. Mr. Larson also noted potential funding options for the District to apply for to support future flood mitigation projects. Council expressed their wishes to have staff talk to William’s Lake on how they have dealt with flood mitigation – as they are in a similar geological location as Vanderhoof.
Correspondence for Discussion
2022 Union of BC Municipalities – BC Community Forest Association Resolution Pricing Policy
Council discussed the action to be taken on this item and expressed wishes to know what other municipalities are doing on the resolution by the BC Community Forest Association.
Results: Council supports the 2022 Union of BC Municipalities resolution submitted by the BC Community Forest Association pending a Local Government comparison of action taken as a result of the proposed resolution.
Correspondence for Information
Incoming Correspondence
Council acknowledged that the District has two new RCMP officers that are at the Vanderhoof detachment.
Old Business
Cathy Peters Requests from the March 28th, 2022 Regular Council Meeting
Results: Council directed staff to draft a letter to the Premier and Solicitor General to support the creation of an inter-agency Human Sex Trafficking Task Force; and a draft a letter to the Federal Justice Minister David Lametti to uphold the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act; and to ask law enforcement, school officials, health practitioners, business owners, youth workers, and Saik’uz First Nation if there is an interest in attending a presentation regarding Human Trafficking in British Columbia. Council has also directed for a resolution for the upcoming 2022 Union of BC Municipalities to be written.
New Business
Public Works Building Tender Award
The consultant from Colliers Project Leaders provided a presentation on the reason behind the recent request to increase the budget of the Public Works Buildings. Council acknowledged that due to the rising cost of materials, an increase would provide the best value for the project. Council also expressed the need to have 5 bays, as some Public Works equipment will always need to be in a bay.
Results: Council authorized an increase in the New Public Works Building to $5,382,003 and reduced the scope of the project (as per Option #2 in the Request for Decision). Council also authorized the usage of funds from the Northern Capital Planning Grant Reserve ($128,198) and additional funds to be used from General Surplus ($83,805). Council award the Public Works Project to Acres Enterprises for $4,595,985.
Renewal of Licence Agreements at 210 and 293 1st Street West
Council asked staff if the fence could be removed from the property. Staff confirmed the request could be done.
Results: Council approved the renewal of the Licence Agreements with Imperial Oil for the leasing of 210 and 293 1st Street West in consideration of $1.00 per year and for Imperial Oil to paying the property taxes.
Council Remuneration Task Force Terms of Reference
Results: Council adopted the Council Remuneration Task Force Terms of Reference, directed the Chief Administrative Officer to schedule the inaugural meeting for the Council Remuneration Task Force; and directed staff to begin looking for public for nominations to sit on the Council Remuneration Task Force.
Grant Applications
Council approved the District’s applications to the following grants:
- UBCM Asset Management Planning Program for the District’s Asset Management Project of $15,000
- FCM Municipal Asset Management Program for the District’s Asset Management Project of $50,000