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May 19, 2022Council Highlights – May 16th, 2022 Regular Council Meeting

Watch the May 16th, 2022, Regular Council Meeting
Council Meeting Video


Rio Tinto – Q2 Business Update
Mr. Czornohalan provided a presentation on Rio Tinto’s Q2 business update (Available for review in the agenda package). Council inquired from the delegate if they have any staffing located in the District. Mr. Czornohalan noted that Rio Tinto currently does not have any full-time staff but is looking to hire some staff to support the Vanderhoof region.

Correspondence For Discussion

April 2021/2022 Crime Stats RCMP
Council expressed an interest if many crimes are going unreported and inquired about when the next Sergeant will be coming in. Staff noted that they have not provided any new information.

Old Business

BC Electoral Boundaries Commission Submission
Council expressed a desire to submit a letter to the Commission that reflects the comments of the Mayor during the public session on May 9th. The letter is to bring light to the concern of losing representation should the boundaries change.

Results: Council direct staff to submit a letter regarding the Council’s comment to the BC Electoral Boundary Commission before the closing of public comment on May 31st, 2022.

Riverside Park Erosion Mitigation
Council discussed the public question regarding this item. Council considered and were agreeable with the direction indicated within the letter. Council further discussed the variables for moving forward with a Riverside Park Erosion Mitigation strategy:

  • Liveability of the soil;
  • Depth of burial of chutes;
  • Flooding; and
  • History of stake fencing and inquired about success stories with this type of method.

Results: Council authorized staff to pursue the $10,000 project and that there be regular reporting on the viability for Fall and Spring to provide further clarifications on any challenges.

National Indigenous Day 2022
Council expressed interest in volunteering and supporting the barbeque financially with the District events budget.

Results: Council authorized the District to sponsor the National Indigenous Day in June not exceeding $5,000 with the events budget.


Arena Fees Bylaw 1241, 2022 – 1st, 2nd & 3rd readings April 25, 2022
Results: Council adopted the Arena Fees Bylaw 1241, 2022.

Vanderhoof Cultural Centre Fees Bylaw 1242, 2022 – 1st, 2nd & 3rd readings April 25, 2022
Results: Council adopted the Vanderhoof Cultural Centre Fees Bylaw 1242, 2022.


New Business

Northern Development Initiative Trust Recreational Infrastructure – Vanderhoof Arena New Flooring and Roof
Results: Council supports the District of Vanderhoof’s application for the Northern Development Initiative Trust Recreational Infrastructure grant in the amount of $65,067 for the replacement of a portion of the Vanderhoof Arena flooring and roof, and Council is committed to funding the remaining $27,887of the project through the Capital Budget.

Zoning Amendment Application (Homestead Inn & Suites Ltd.)
Council expressed disinterest in moving forward with the application as it is within 500 metres of another store and further, it is located on the highway and the application is in contravention of the Zoning Bylaw 1230, 2020.

Results: Council did not approve the application from Homestead Inn & Suites Ltd. to amend Zoning Bylaw 1230, 2020 to facilitate the opening of a cannabis retail store at 190 1st Street West.

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