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May 26, 2022Council Highlights – May 24th, 2022 COTW Meeting

Watch the May 24th, 2022 Committee of the Whole Meeting
Council Meeting Video

Truth & Reconciliation Calls to Action

Council discussed the five calls to action for Truth and Reconciliation.


YMCA of Northern BC (YMCA)
Representatives from YMCA presented on the different levels of service delivery provided in the District of Vanderhoof. The representatives discussed the different challenges that they have faced since the pandemic started. Council asked about the current rate of wages for lifeguards and their comparison to other municipalities. The representatives stated the YMCA can’t compete with a municipality’s rate of wages.

Council also inquired about more information on other recreational programs through the YMCA. The representatives provided insight into other recreation programs, though it has been a struggle since the YMCA Recreation Coordinator for Vanderhoof left the company. They are exploring and reevaluating more options for recreation services available as children are returning to recreational activities and stated they are coordinating with community organizations within Vanderhoof.

Council requested information on what recreation services are still being provided, to be provided quarterly reports on the subject, and thanked the representatives for attending tonight’s meeting.

Committee Meeting Minutes For Information

Attraction & Retention Committee Meeting Minutes
The Attraction & Retention Committee is focusing on refining the scope of work to be more reasonable to complete within the Committee’s timeframe. The next meeting is cancelled but will be rescheduled for June.

Housing Committee Meeting Minutes
The Housing Committee has a meeting with BC Housing to provide information on programs that the Housing Hub has to offer. The options available are not viable to see what the cost would be for development in the District of Vanderhoof.

Community Forest Board Meeting Minutes
Council received and reviewed the meeting minutes with no further comments.

Administration Reports

Building Report
Staff noted that two single-family dwellings have been received.

Community Services Report
Staff reported on the community requests for overnight camping on parking lots during recreational tournaments. Council remarked on the experiences had when previously allowed camping on public property and would like to avoid allowing camping on public property. Council encouraged staff to encourage visitors to utilize our municipal campground if they need overnight camping.

Staff also reported on the status of the opening of the O.K. Cafe and the ordered park benches from the previous year that have been delayed due to transit delays and supply chain interruptions.

Council remarked on the hard work that the Director of Community Services has put into the community.

Fire Department Report
Council received and reviewed the report with no comments.

Meeting Decision Tracker Report
Council asked about an upcoming Request for Decision that will be coming up at the next Council meeting. Council commented on the layout and stated that they would like to see the completed items on the meeting decision tracker for up to 3 months and to have items removed quarterly.

YMCA of NBC Report
Council commented on the upcoming swim meets and the availability to stream the events, as there is no room for bleachers in the pool. There was a discussion of having bleachers placed outside the windows to allow for the viewing of the swim meet.

Advocacy Initiative Update – April 2022
Council received and reviewed the report.

LATE ITEM  Public Works Update
Staff reported on the status of the Airport Lighting issues, coordination with the contractor for the Airport asphalt issues, the installation of the new streetlight banners, and the watermain upgrade project.

Governance and Priorities

Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1243, 2022
Council reviewed the Bylaw and asked for clarification on the protocol of delegations. Staff said that within this Bylaw, the delegate would need to fill out the form. Council asked that all comments need to be addressed through the Mayor. There were comments on how the public can talk on a Bylaw once it is passed and the protocol of passing and rescinding a resolution. Council discussed the need to keep council meeting recordings online or on social media and spoke about their wishes to follow what other municipalities do.

Results: Council has read the Council Procedure Bylaw 1234, 2022 for the first, second and third time.

T-Hanger Recommendations
Council received and reviewed the T-Hanger Study recommendations and discussed the next steps toward the project. Council concluded that this project would require more information before initiating and is not on the 2022 Strategic Objectives for the District, and that the project should be added to the Financial Plan.

Results: Council has moved the T-Hanger Study recommendations for deliberations in the 2023-2027 Financial Plan as a 5-Year Capital Planning item based on the 2021 cost estimate of $1,810,000 for full-site development, with financing options to be identified by staff.

Foundry Centre
Council expressed a serious interest in this project. Council discussed potential partners for the project and the desire to meet with local organizations that have the capacity. Council received the report for information.

Results: Council directed staff to coordinate a meeting with select organizations to begin discussions around establishing a Foundry Centre in Vanderhoof and have staff provide recommendations on the organizations that are willing to work with this. Further, Council will provide input on which organizations to invite to preliminary discussions around establishing a Foundry Centre in Vanderhoof.

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