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July 14, 2022COVID-19 Community Grants

This grant is now fully subscribed.

The Province of BC has provided grants to local governments to deal with increased operating costs and lower revenue due to COVID-19. The District of Vanderhoof is distributing some of this funding to non-profit societies, charities, community groups, and associations that have experienced revenue and operating challenges during COVID-19 due to the Provincial Health Order restrictions. These challenges include having to close operations, loss of employees and revenue, and/ or effects on offered programs. Applications will be accepted until the program is fully subscribed.

Please review the application criteria, application process, and funding restrictions and requirements before completing and submitting the application linked below.


  • Be a registered non-profit society, charity, community group or association
  • Provide the organization’s objectives
  • Demonstrate the impact that COVID-19 has had, or continues to have, on their operations and finances
  • Provide details of how grant funds will benefit the community
  • Provide the organization’s most recent financial statements, including income statements and balance sheet


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