About Local Government Awareness Week
Local Government Awareness Week is an initiative of the Union of BC Municipalities designed to generate awareness and educate the public about the roles and responsibilities of local government, and encourage public participation in local government processes. Throughout this week – May 13 to 17 – the District of Vanderhoof will explore the work of our own departments, some of the legislation we are bound by, and the role of Council and the election process.
Today, we will take a look at the work done by the Finance department and the Fire Hall.
Finance Department
The Finance Department is responsible for managing the District’s finances. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) oversees the financial operations of the District and assists in financial considerations in cross-departmental functions. The Department provides financial reporting and control services and offers guidance for maintaining the overall financial stability of the municipality. The powers, duties and functions of the CFO are outlined in section 149 of the Community Charter.
Other key responsibilities include:
- Accounts payable and receivable
- Control of financial affairs
- Grant program administration, management and reporting
- Information Technology
- Licencing and permitting
- Management of assets, debts, insurance and claims, investments, and loans
- Oversight of expenditures and purchases
- Payroll
- Permissive tax exemptions
- Preparing and managing annual budget
- Statutory reporting
- Taxation and collection for other taxing authorities
- Utility billing (sewer/water/garbage)
Fire Hall
The Vanderhoof Fire Department operates under the direction of the Fire Chief and a team of 28 active firefighters who are committed to public safety and provide fire protection and awareness services. The department provides fire protection services to properties within the District as well as within the fire protection area of a 148 square kilometre radius around Vanderhoof. Fire protection services include fire suppression, road rescue services, slope rope rescue, fire inspections, and fire prevention/education. In 2024, the District was successful in receiving a grant to hire a Fire Smart Coordinator.
Other key responsibilities include:
- Burning permit management
- Emergency services management
- Fire inspection, investigation, and response
- Highway rescue
- Management of fire hall emergency service equipment
- Providing training in-house and coordination of additional external training
Please come back tomorrow for more information about your local government!