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October 8, 2021Sidewalk Issue at Senior Housing Project

The District of Vanderhoof recently identified an issue with the ongoing sidewalk and gutter project along Church Avenue and Victoria Street. The new sidewalk, curb, and gutter would leave no street parking available for that section with the current construction plan.

The issue was brought to Council’s attention at the September 27th Regular Council meeting as a late-item addition to the agenda. As a result, Council was able to direct staff to remove and replace the newly placed curb and gutter to ensure adequate parking and travel lanes on Victoria St. and Church Ave.

While this oversight will come at a cost to the District (as the contractor fulfilled their contractual obligations and met the design initially specified), Council has directed staff to take the necessary steps to ensure these types of issues do not occur in future projects. These steps include establishing better project management frameworks to improve project oversight and a more transparent budget process to improve public engagement on budgetary issues.

To view the full details of the September 27 Council meeting, please view the online Agenda Package for the meeting. https://vanderhoof.civicweb.net/filepro/documents/59636?preview=65363

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