The District of Vanderhoof will be implementing the proof of vaccination system required by order of the Provincial Health Officer. All recreation activities for persons 22 years and older will be among those required to provide proof of vaccination at the Vanderhoof Arena, in addition to any ticketed sporting event held at the Vanderhoof Arena.
Effective immediately, Proof of Vaccination will NOT be required for the following activities:
- Any recreation and sports activities for those 21 years of age and under if there are less than fifty spectators in the stands (i.e. parents and family members) and the event is not ticketed (i.e. Junior Hockey games);
- Public skating when not associated with an event; and
- Before and after school programs for youth.
All other arena activities will require proof of vaccination, including all adult recreation activities in the arena, ticketed sporting events with more than fifty people, and indoor organized events with fifty or more people. For more information, please see the Province’s websites for proof of vaccination requirements, exemptions, and instructions on how to download your proof of vaccination documents:
Proof of Passport documentation will be up to the user groups to provide to the District of Vanderhoof. User groups will be required to provide, in advance of ice times, the names of attendees along with vaccination status. Most visitors and participants will be required to show their BC Vaccine Card and government-issued photo ID (i.e., BC Services Card) prior to entering the facility. Designated arrival times will be in place to facilitate compliance with the Provincial Health Order.
We understand the challenges that the proof of vaccination requirements may cause. We appreciate residents for their patience through this process and want to reassure all that the District will continue to follow all provincial health orders while ensuring that access to recreation opportunities is not excessively curbed. The partnership between residents and The District in administering the proof of vaccination system when required will help the District ensure that the health and safety of its users along with compliance with the Provincial Health Officer’s orders can be continued.
Masks will continue to be required in all indoor District facilities when not engaged in physical activity. The District of Vanderhoof urges everyone to continue to follow best health practices as we continue to navigate the pandemic, including staying home if you feel unwell or have symptoms; physical distancing; wearing a mask; and diligent sanitizing and hand washing. The District will issue a news release regarding the new rules.
As the COVID-19 situation in British Columbia is continually evolving, the District will adapt its response and level of service to meet the requirements of both Northern Health and the Province. We also wish to reassure you that we are interested in maintaining a high level of service in spite of the pandemic and will continue working with ice users to ensure that the administration of health orders suits the needs of both yourselves and the District.