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Visit VanderhoofA Day in Vanderhoof

Itinerary #1Family Fun

Begin your Vanderhoof experience by visiting the Vanderhoof Tourism and Cultural Centre and Community Museum. This historic site features beautifully restored buildings, thought-provoking displays and even a wooded Heritage Nature Trail pointing out historical and ecological facts along the 1km circle route. Guided tours of the buildings are available May-September and then upon request (weather permitting) until October.  There is plenty of space for kids to run and play. Time for some lunch. Head on over to Ferland Spray Park where you will find picnic tables, plenty of shade, washrooms, a playground and yes, a spray park for kids …and kids at heart to both enjoy! Continue your family fun over at the White Surgeon Conservation Centre. This breeding facility has been designed to help stock the declining Nechako River sturgeon population. Did you know that the Nechako white sturgeon is the largest freshwater fish in Canada and has survived millions of years (since the age of the dinosaurs) relatively unchanged? Learn about the hatchlings, their changing environment and how they will be reintroduced into the wild on a family-friendly tour.

Itinerary #2Adventurer

Ready to rip it up? Whether you prefer a pump or downhill track, the Rip’n the North Bike Park has something to challenge and excite you. Featuring a multitude of flow, jump and technical trails, this bike park will entertain the beginner to advanced rider. Official maps are available on trailforks.com. After an energetic ride, continue down Kenny Dam Road and hike the Kenny Dam Trail to Cheslatta Falls. The dam was built in the 1950’s and at that time was the largest on earth and an engineering feat of its time. Enjoy a picnic while taking in the stunning scenery…and refreshing mist from Cheslatta falls. Did you know that Vanderhoof is home to a number of geocache sites? Check in at the Visitor Centre for more information and let your self-guided adventure begin.

Itinerary #3Wildlife Enthusiast

Begin your wild adventure with a tour of the Nechako White Sturgeon Conservation Centre. This breeding facility has been designed to help stock the declining Nechako River sturgeon population. Did you know that the Nechako white sturgeon is the largest freshwater fish in Canada and has survived millions of years (since the age of the dinosaurs) relatively unchanged? Learn about the hatchlings, their changing environment and how they will be reintroduced into the wild on a family-friendly tour. More details can be found on the Nechako White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative’s website. Grab a lunch to go and take a road less traveled for the opportunity to local wildlife in their natural habitats. A drive around Loop Road may provide you the opportunity to view Merlins hunting or the sighting of a Northern Harrier, whereby a trip down a local logging road may provide greater opportunity of sighting a black bear, grizzly or moose. Stop by the Visitor Centre prior to departing to pick-up a Nature Guide Book to assist you in your travels. Finish your tranquil visit to Vanderhoof admiring water fowl, birds of prey, song birds and more from a covered viewing platform at Riverside Park overlooking the Migratory Bird Sanctuary. This 180 hectare protected sanctuary provides a resting stop for migrating birds to rest uninterrupted and serves as a point of interest for birders and wildlife photographers alike. A full-service campground is located on-site if you decide to stay the night!

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