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September 6, 2024Message from Mayor Moutray Regarding Canfor Announcement

District of Vanderhoof Mayor and Council share the community’s concern regarding Wednesday’s announcement of the Canfor Plateau shutdown by the end of 2024. While we have all known about the many challenges that have led Canfor to this decision, it’s a shock when that day actually comes.

We are working to establish the Community Transition Team, made up of representatives from the Ministries of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation; Labour; Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills; Social Development and Poverty Reduction; WorkBC, Canfor, District staff, and others, to help community members affected by the announcement. The goals of the Team are to help employees of both Canfor and their contractors transition to other jobs using known employment opportunities, apply for grants and funding for retraining programs, and help with health or mental health issues that may arise.

We are also aware of the ripple effect this shutdown may cause to local businesses and our Regional Business Liaison will work closely with the Chamber of Commerce to help where possible to minimize effects.

While this news is difficult to cope with, Council and staff are optimistic for the community’s future as we focus on the path forward. Vanderhoof is a resilient community that helps each other, and I know that we will prevail as a stronger community once we contend with the bumps in the road ahead of us.

I will provide more information as the Community Transition Team meetings progress. Council and staff’s thoughts are with the families affected by the upcoming closure. Let’s work as a community to help each other move forward.

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