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September 23, 2024Rail Safety Week 2024

Rail Safety Week, an initiative of the Canadian National (CN) Railway Company, takes place from September 23 to 29, 2024. Any time is train time, as trains do not always run on schedule, and can come at any time, on any track, from any direction.

The objective of the week is to share guidance, stories and other critical safety information about trains, railways and rail crossings. Vanderhoof has two key crossings within town, and numerous others nearby in the Nechako Valley, which many of us cross multiple times per day.

Because of their size, trains may appear to be much farther away and travelling much slower than they actually are. An average freight train weighs over 5,500 tonnes and needs at least 2 kilometres to stop.

If you witness an unsafe situation on or near a railroad, please call the CN Police at 1-800-465-9239.

Please check out CN’s Rail Safety resources to learn more about keeping yourself, your family and friends safe around trains and railways.

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